Road closure and traffic diversions

In connection with the upcoming cycling competition organized by the “Dutch Riders Cycling Club Mo Trouble” to be held on Sunday March 1st 2015, the police department is making the following public announcement. The race will start on Sunday at 09.00 a.m. until approximately 01.00 p.m. During this period races in different categories will take place, namely categories A-B-C and D. Noting the growing trend of these races, which will be held once a month, permission has been granted by the Ministry of Justice for these races to take place. This race will consist of 13 laps around the Great Salt Pond for senior riders (A, B, C,-classes) and 4 laps of the Walter Nisbeth road for the junior class. The race will start at the Central Bank of Curacao and Sint Maarten on the Walter Nisbeth road and head its way around the pond via A. Th. Illidge road, Cottage round about, Arch road, Sucker garden road, Freedom Fighter round about and back on Walter Nisbeth road.
As a safety measure for this race the following traffic measures have been taken. All connecting roads/alleys between the Walter Nisbeth road (Pondfill road) and the Cannegieter Street will be closed off with a metal barricade. All traffic coming and leaving the Philipsburg area will have to make use of the Cannegieter Street, Front Street and Back Street. Police officers will be stationed at major traffic points/crossings. Volunteers will also be standing along the route of the race to help regulate the traffic situation.
The entire community is asked to take very good note of the temporary traffic situation and give the volunteers and the police department all the necessary cooperation to make this race a very safe and successful one.