Minister Lake addresses infrastructural issues over the weekend in Cole Bay


Minister of Public Housing, Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI) Hon. Maurice Lake, visited Cole Bay on Saturday to address some complaints his Ministry received from residents.


Residents of Bil-Bil Drive complained about their road being inaccessible to cars due to the condition of the road which can only be used by SUV vehicles, and residents with cars would have to park at the bottom of the road.

After the Cabinet of Minister Lake was informed, a Public Works truck was dispatched with milled asphalt to have the road filled in order to make it accessible to all vehicles.

Minister Lake during a tour through Cole Bay observed a number of issues that included fallen poles and cables related to utility company GEBE. The Public Works Department has been asked to follow-up with GEBE where it concerns rectifying the aforementioned in the interests of the community.

A number of potholes were also observed on the Well Road and Union Road and the Minister instructed immediate action to be taken to have these addressed while in the meantime grills in the vicinity of the business operation PDG are to be replaced.

A solution will also be found to strengthen the foundation of the Tamarind Tree which has fallen down in an area of Cole Bay.

The Minister will be scheduling a visit soon to meet with community council representatives and other stakeholders in the format of a town hall meeting.

"My back to basics approach means dealing with community problems right away, especially if action can be taken immediately. Residents who have concerns in their district should contact their Community Council, but my Cabinet is also ready and willing to learn about community infrastructure concerns and have these addressed as soon as possible.

"I was hoping that the 2014 budget of the country would have received the support of all members of parliament, since it’s a budget that also addresses the infrastructure concerns of the various communities," Minister Hon. Maurice Lake said on Sunday.

Members of the Minister’s Cabinet were also present during the visit to the community of Cole Bay.