Press statement by MP Gracita Arrindell on Census 2011 Status


The UP faction is concerned about the overdue delay in the release of Census 2011 statistical information to the community. This information is also very valuable for planning purposes for both public and private sectors.

The last Census was carried out in April 2011. Almost two years ago.


If we are to be considered a productive and forward thinking society, with an objective to be innovative and at the forefront of moving this country into the right direction, it is clear that proper research and credible data is a pre requisite to be successful in our efforts. Both government as well as business who are already established and those who would want to consider investing in our island must have timely access to this type of information.

Midterm and long term planning will bear fruit if one has access to formal information regarding our population movement in all aspects. The well- being, safety and quality development of our highly diversified society is a priority.

A letter with a request from the UP-Faction inviting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications, the Honorable Romeo Pantophlet via the President of Parliament, to Parliament to give account to the people with be sent out this week.

Ministers are politically responsible for the day to day management of this country. We cannot suffice with the press briefings only or statements to the media. Their positions and clarifications must be recorded in Parliament.

Transparency on this matter is warranted. I hope that the minister will be clear and forthcoming regarding the problems encountered and how he aims to solve these bottlenecks if any.

Gracita Arrindell

Member of Parliament, United People’s (UP) party faction

First President of Parliament