Courtesy visit by Major League Rookie

The commissioner responsible for sports, Frans Richardson, on Thursday afternoon hosted St. Maarten born major league baseball rookie Dudley Leonora Jr.


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The 17-year-old Leonora who signed with the Baltimore Orioles last year, was accompanied by his proud father, Dudley Leonora Sr., at which time the commissioner was briefed regarding Leonora’s upcoming spring training in the U.S., his future plans as well as his role as a utility player.

Commissioner Richardson was full of praise for the young professional baseball player, who he hailed as as example for "young people on St. Maarten" and a prospective "ambassador for St. Maarten", by virtue of his present and expected achievements in baseball.

He emphasized on Leonora, the need to remain focused and not to be led astray by the temptations that come with the live of a baseball major league player. He implored on the Baltimore Orioles player "not to forget where you come from" and to make St. Maarten proud.

Commissioner Richardson assured Leonora and his father of his continued support and commitment towards the young player’s career in the majaor leagues.