Info Activities Year ending.

Sport Report:

Year ending lineup of events to be hosted by the Lab Sports Academy.

Ø     October 14- 15 – 16.

The 8th annual Princess Juliana International Youth Tennis Tournament. Location Raoul Illidge Sports Complex Tennis Pavilion. Time: 10:00 Am to 4:00pm


Ø November 12th National Championship Track & Field first qualification for the Carifta Games 2017, to be Hosted by Curacao. Time 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.


Ø  November 13th 2016.

12th Annual Harbor to pier : open water swim competition.

  • This event will take place on SUNDAY November 13th .
  • Gathering TIME: 6:30 AM at Cyrus Wathey Square / Captain Hodge Pier.
  • Transportation of all participants by bus to the Harbor 6:45 AM.
  • Start Swim 7:00 AM SHARP.
  • Assistance by Coast Guard & Sheriff security

Distances / Categories.  

A: Sprint Distance  1.3 Km.                                                                             B: Long distance 1.9 Km.

Athletes can sign up via E – Mail and or by calling the following phone numbers.  FEE: 10 US$ per athlete. All participants receives a  T – shirt and Breakfast.


Go to Website:

Mr. R. Freank       Phone:    5534848

Mr. Les Brown   Phone:   5879089

Simultaneously  on November 12th & 13th the Lab Sports Academy will be hosting the 15th Annual Diamonds International Youth tennis tournament.

Location: Raoul Illidge Sports Complex tennis pavilion.

Time: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Sat & Sunday.
