Youth tennis RESULTS

 LAB Sports Academy in collaboration with the diamonds international.


The LAB sports academy, hosted over the weekend the 14th annual Diamonds International Youth Tennis Championship. This event was held at the Raoul Sport Complex Tennis Pavilion.

A total of 24 athletes, boys and girls, took part in five different categories. These categories were:

  1. Beginners
  2. Under 10
  3. Under 13
  4. Under 15
  5. Open Class

A Big thank you goes out to Diamonds International for sponsoring this prestigious event for the last 14 years. Thank you also goes out to the representative Mr. Stephan possemier who was on hand for the prize giving.

These are the winners in the following categories.

Beginners Girls & Boys:

Keandra Barry – Leandro Barry.

Under 10:

EjaneE Shillingford – ejomar Shillinford.

Boys Under 13:

1st place Triston Williams – 2nd Clarence Vriesland

Girls Under 13:

1st place Lisandra Barry – 2nd Leandra Barry.

Girls & Boys Under 15.

1st Place Joline Williams – 1st Place James Brooks.

Open Class.

1st Place Leshawn Brown – 2nd Place Bradley Atyll.



The LAB sports academy is looking forward to the continued support of Diamonds International. This was the last tournament for the year 2015. In 2016 the Lab Sport Academy will again look forward to organizing every two months a tennis tournament for the youths.

The first event for the year 2016 will be the Oyster bay youth tennis tour. Dates 29 – 30th & 31st of January 2016.