St. Martin Pony League and Statia Pony League begun what is considered the games that will re-unite the
islands with regards to youth baseball. In the past the island played many girls softball tournaments among
the surrounding islands. The intention is to have many tournaments among the islands once again. Statia
and St.Martin confronted each other in a 3 game series. St.Maarten hosted the games. The official first ball
of the games was thrown by Felix Brown whom is also one of the brains behind the formation of the St. Martin
Pony League. After that it was game time and St. Martin defeated Statia in all three games . Next tournament
is scheduled to take place at the end of November 2014 and this will be on the island of Statia. More of the
surrounding islands have promised their participation in the games on Statia. All games will be played in
accordance to Pony baseball rules and regulations.