Mayesi Hammoud partner at VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne

Recently Mayesi Hammoud became partner at law firm VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne. The thirty-five year old lawyer runs a successful all round practice in the fields of dispute resolution, corporate law, employment and insurance law. Hammoud, who joined the firm in 2003, works for a large number of clients in the private and public sector, focusing on the fields of energy, real estate, telecommunication, media and technology in the Dutch Caribbean.  

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Besides practicing law, the yu di korsou is actively committed to helping vulnerable groups in society including children and youngsters and supports many charities and voluntary initiatives. She is Deputy Board member of the CliniClowns and cooperates closely with colleagues on a pro bono basis in order to safeguard the famous Art Deco building ‘Cinelandia’ from destruction. Hammoud is a member of the Social and Economic Council (SER) and a substitute member of the Supervisory Council for attorneys. In her role as newly joined partner she will, amongst other things, focus on the training and supervision of the firm’s young professional talent and on its sponsoring and donation activities.

After receiving a law degree at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam and attending a trainee program at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Hammoud opted for a career in law. Returning to Curacao, her island of birth, she joined VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in 2003. Hammoud, who recently became a mother, is looking forward to her partnership and all the new roles it includes. The young and multitalented lawyer is seen as a great asset to the current team of partners consisting of Frank Kunneman, Randolph van Eps, Esther Jansen, Michiel Gorsira, Molly Steward, Focco Lunsingh Scheurleer en Jeannot de Cuba.