Labor Affairs Department holds information session

On Wednesday afternoon the Department of Labor Affairs, Section Labor Market held an "Employment Workshop: Find, Get & Keep the Job! The Key to a Better Future" to a cross section of persons at their office on Pondfill.


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A packet containing information about St. Maarten’s Labor Market, projects/programs, frequently asked questions and an employment handbook were given to the attendees. The afternoons program, started at 3:30PM with an opening by Shandah Philips of the department, followed by an address by Labor Affairs Department Head, Peggy-Ann Dros, a presentation on resume writing by Arden Froston, also of the department, role play, questions and answers followed by snacks and drinks.

The Department of Labor Affairs will be launching a host of workshop initiatives with the main aim being to meet the needs of its customers. The workshops will include a wide range of topics, from ‘how to find the job, get the job and keep the job’, to workshops for businesses on the formal dismissal process, and workshops specifically for employees on their rights and responsibilities.

The department will also embark on an extensive PR campaign on how their services will upgrade and how they will apply technology to assist people in finding their ‘right-job-fit’. In addition, there will also be workshops and discussion forums for unions and their shop stewards. The workshop held on Wednesday, by the Job Placement Officers is a first in many to come. The department will be setting up a vacancy-bank online as well as utilizing the Community Helpdesk locations to form part of that strategy.

Minister of Public Health Social Development & Labor, Minister Cornelius De Weever applauds the department on the initiatives taken as a means of improving the services rendered to the community of St. Maarten.