Changes 2012 health insurance package


Effective January 1st , 2012 there are several changes implemented in the health insurance package for the insured of the Health Insurance Office (ZVK)


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What has changed?

· The pill is covered for all insured persons, regardless of age.

· Termination of pregnancy on medical grounds in accordance with the Law Terminating Pregnancy, carried out by a licensed institution in accordance with of the law, will be covered.

· Termination of pregnancy, without medical grounds in accordance with the Law Terminating Pregnancy, carried out by a licensed institution, will be covered, in the event this takes place on one of the BES islands.

· The number of in-vrito fertilization attempts (IVF treatments or also called pregnancy treatments) which are covered has become one attempt.

· All insured persons are now entitled to admission in a hospital in a room which is climate controlled and has insect repellents regardless of class.

· In case you are abroad you are always insured for critical emergency care, either care which is planned and which due to medical reasons cannot be delayed

· The coverage for hearing aids is for insured persons from 16 years and older, if:

1. This is being provided for the first time otherwise provided 6 years ago for the first time; the coverage is increased from $660 to $ 1.100;

2. If a hearing aid was provided to the insured person longer than 6, but shorter than seven years ago; the coverage is increased from $ 785 to $1.200, and;

3. A hearing aid which is provided to the insured person seven years ago or longer, the coverage is increased from $ 900 to $1.300.*

*Insured persons until the age of 15 years are entitled to full coverage for a hearing aid.



Information about the health insurance can be found on under the heading care. If you have questions, you can call the Health Insurance Office (ZVK) on 715-8899 (Bonaire) 416-3552 (Saba) and 318-3375 (St. Eustatius).