The Dutch naval vessel HNLMS Groningen intercepted two drug transports within 24 hours. With those two cases the ship seized an estimated 1.040 kg of cocaine.
Recently a maritime patrol aircraft detected a go-fast (fast powerboat) at the Caribbean sea. Directly after the detection, HNLMS Groningen launched the embarked MH-65 Dolphin helicopter of the US Coast Guard to localize the suspected contact. Soon the helicopter had located the go-fast and forced the crewmembers to stop. Quickly after, a boarding has been executed with support of a FRISC-interception craft to catch the crewmembers.
Subsequently, after completing the first action, a second go-fast was reported. HNLMS Groningen, only a few nautical miles away from the go-fast turned to the scene. Quick action was taken by the ship’s crew by launching the helicopter again together with two fast raiding interception crafts. Thereafter the persons on board of the go-fast were apprehended.
The five crewmembers of both cases together with the contraband were handed over to a US Coast Guard vessel for prosecution in the United States.