E barku di Marina Hulandes Zr.Ms. Groningen den un lapso di 24 ora a detektá dos transporte di droga. Den esaki e barku a konfiská, sigun kalkulashon, 1.040 kg di…
Day: June 14, 2022
Twee drugsvangsten voor Zr.Ms. Groningen binnen 24 uur
Het Nederlandse marineschip Zr.Ms. Groningen heeft binnen 24 uur twee drugstransporten onderschept. Daarbij heeft het schip naar schatting 1.040 kg aan cocaïne in beslag genomen. Een maritiem patrouillevliegtuig detecteerde begin…
Two drugs cases for HNLMS Groningen within 24 hours
The Dutch naval vessel HNLMS Groningen intercepted two drug transports within 24 hours. With those two cases the ship seized an estimated 1.040 kg of cocaine. Recently a maritime patrol…
Saba en het Rijk pakken door om de bestaanszekerheid van het eiland te verbeteren
Op Saba ondertekenden Alexandra van Huffelen, staatssecretaris van Koninkrijksrelaties en Digitalisering en eilandgedeputeerde Bruce Zagers maandagmiddag 13 juni het meerjarige bestuursakkoord ‘Saba Package 2.0’. Hierin staan concrete afspraken tussen Saba…
Saba and the Kingdom take further steps to improve the livelihood of the island.
On Saba on Monday afternoon the 13th of June, Alexandra van Huffelen, State Secretary for Kingdom Relations and Digitalization and island Commissioner Bruce Zagers signed the multi-year governing agreement “Saba…
Man and little girl dead as result of Union Road collision
St. Maarten is mourning the lost of two lives this morning following a serious collision on Union Road on Monday around 10:00pm. Dead are a four-year-old girl and a man;…
Minister of Public Health Ottley presents NCD MAP to Stakeholders
The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (Ministry VSA) has finalized a new 10-year strategic plan for chronic diseases.It is called the Multisectoral Action Plan for the Prevention…
SHTA’s new Public / Private “Save the Summer” Expedia Campaign raises record island wide support
An expedited agreement was signed by acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Telecommunication and Transport (TEATT) Omar Ottley and the SHTA. The St Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA) will launch…
US Marines practice in Aruba
US Marines will come to Aruba for training. On June 13th. the Caribbean Coastal Warrior 2022 training will start. In this annual training Marines of the United States Marine Corps…
Prime Minister Jacobs welcomes Trust Fund Steering Committee for working visit
The Sint Maarten Trust Fund Steering Committee members are currently in Sint Maarten for a working visit. The Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs hereby extends a warm welcome to…