Grisha to have Quick Scan of TEATT, Says Economy “Far from its Best Shape”

Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunication (TEATT), Grisha Heyliger-Marten, has signaled that she will have a quick scan done “to give a more realistic picture of what our current (economic) situation actually is.”
In her inaugural address Friday, May 3, 2024, the new TEATT minister, the 12th since
2010, said, “it does not take a rocket scientist to see that our economy is far from its best shape.”
“True, we have faced some unprecedented challenges in the last decade, including the
incredible devastation caused by Hurricane Irma in 2017 and the global shutdown brought about
by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. But we can’t blame our present predicament on those two
events alone,” Heyliger-Marten said.
Stressing the importance of the Princess Juliana International Airport to the island’s
economy, the Minister said it is “not only the main gateway to our island, but it is also the heart
of our economic activity.”
In her opinion, despite the destruction the airport suffered at the hands of Hurricane Irma,
and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, “seven years of waiting for it to finally get back on
its feet is just too long. It is time to do whatever is necessary to restore our airport back to its
glory days.”
Turning to other sectors, the Minister said that the island is losing ground in the cruise
sector as well; and “TelEm has fallen to the point of laying off employees, while the problems at

GEBE, the electricity and water company has resulted in astronomical bills and constant load-
shedding and even blackouts.”

Similarly, she said, gasoline prices have become “prohibitive” and inflation has “blasted
off like a rocket into space.” Food prices have also skyrocketed.
“This is how the ordinary man and woman is experiencing our economy today. This is
how tough things have become for every person, resulting in social ills like growing youth
unemployment and an increasing number of people – men as well as women – begging.
“I am not trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom here,” Heyliger-Marten continued.
“This is unfortunately the situation on the ground. We cannot bury our heads in the sand and
pretend that all is well with us. It is time to tell ourselves the bitter truth, for indeed, it is only the
truth that shall set us free.”
Given all of this, the Minister said there will be no “honeymoon period” for her. “I have
to hit the ground working.” She disclosed that she has already begun consultations with several
stakeholders and emphasized that “as a policy, constant consultation will be my motto.”
Heyliger-Marten promised to work closely with the Labor Unions, SHTA, the Chamber
of Commerce and others and “re-establish a vibrant Public Private Partnership that was a key
engine for our economic development in the past.”