Everything You Need to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine to be in a Facebook Livestream on Thursday

The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Services (CPS), will organize a panel discussion about the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout plan on Sint Maarten on Thursday.
Various health experts will attend to provide information about the importance, safety, and procedures of the upcoming COVID-19 vaccination rollout plan.
The event will be live streamed via the Government of Sint Maarten Facebook page, for everyone to view.
Everyone is invited to post the questions that they might have live via Facebook comments or in advance via vaccination@sintmaartengov.org.
With this public event, the Ministry of VSA & CPS aims to inform people and put a stop to the spread of misinformation.
The Facebook Livestream will take place on Thursday, February 11 at 7.00 pm via Facebook.com/SXMGOV and simultaneously on Government Radio 107.9FM. It will also be replayed on Cable TV Channel 115 Friday at 10.30 AM and 6.30 PM.