Op maandag 8 februari 2021 is op Curaçao de 40 jarige R.L. aangehouden voorbetrokkenheid bij een vermeende criminele organisatie. De aanhouding heeftplaatsgevonden in het grootschalig onderzoek genaamd Themis dat al…
Day: February 10, 2021
Detenshon di R.L. den investigashon Themis
Riba djaluna 8 di febrüari 2021 a detené R.L. di 40 aña di edat na Kòrsou paenvolvimentu den un supuesto organisashon kriminal. E detenshon ta parti di einvestigashon yamá Themis…
R.L. arrested in Themis investigation
On Monday, February 8, 2021, the 40-year-old R.L. was arrested in Curaçao for involvement in an alleged criminal organization. The arrest took place in the largescale investigation called Themis that…
Everything You Need to Know about the COVID-19 Vaccine to be in a Facebook Livestream on Thursday
The Ministry of Public Health, Social Development & Labour (Ministry VSA) Collective Prevention Services (CPS), will organize a panel discussion about the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout plan on Sint Maarten on…
Relief for tourism, hospitality sector
SABA–Businesses in the hospitality and tourism sector will get additional relief from the Public Entity Saba for the period April through December 2020. The entrepreneurs don’t have to pay the…
KNMI volcanologist explains why eruptions don’t suddenly happen
SABA–A volcanic eruption doesn’t suddenly happen: usually it is a process that evolves over a longer period of time which is accompanied by signals of the volcano’s increased activity.Volcanologist Elske…
Oprichting ziekenhuiscoöperatie “Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance” een feit
De minister van Gezondheid, Milieu en Natuur van Curacao, Zita Jesus Leito, de minister van Toerisme, Volksgezondheid en Sport van Aruba, Danguillaume Oduber, de minister van Volksgezondheid, Sociale Ontwikkeling en…
Lantamentu di kooperativa di hòspital “Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance” ta un echo
Minister di Salubridat, Medioambiente i Naturalesa di Kòrsou, Zita Jesus Leito, minister di Turismo, Salubridat i Deporte di Aruba, Danguillaume Oduber, minister di Salubridat, Desaroyo Sosial i Asuntunan di labor…
Establishment of hospital cooperative “Dutch Caribbean Hospital Alliance” a reality
The Minister of Health, Environment and Nature of Curaçao, Zita Jesus Leito, the Minister of Tourism, Health and Sports of Aruba, Danguillaume Oduber, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development…