A second SZV employee has tested positive for COVID-19. The employee was last at the SZV office on August 28th, 2020. The management of Social & Health Insurances (SZV) was notified on Wednesday September 2nd, and has taken precautionary measures to secure and sanitize the office building. On August 24th, SZV informed of the first COVID-19 positive employee, this second positive result is unrelated. Customers are advised to take note of the changes in access to services, as some departments will temporarily be working from home as of Thursday September 3rd.
vAdjusted SZV services – until further notice:
- Cashier: closed until further notice. All payments can be made via online banking. SZV banking information is available on www.szv.sx.
- Employers must submit their declarations via the Employer Portal on www.szv.sx. All other inquiries can be e-mailed to info@szv.sx.
- Pension drop-off box: all original documents must be dropped-off in the box located at Building 1 – ground floor, next to elevator.
- Pension statement requests: processing of yearly/monthly pension statements and bank letter requests are delayed until further notice. All other pension inquiries can be e-mailed to benefits@szv.sx. v
At this time, no other employees have reported COVID-19 symptoms. SZV will continue to monitor the wellbeing of all employees, in particular, those who have been in direct contact with the diagnosed staff members.
SZV takes this opportunity to remind the community to contact CPS via phone number 914 if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for the virus. By preventative action we can combat COVID-19.