The Council of Ministers refutes the claim that St. Maarten opposes reconstruction as published by in its article on Friday September 25. The article was based on a letter…
Month: September 2020
Nolly Oleana benoemd tot waarnemend gezaghebber Bonaire
Nolly Oleana is per 1 oktober 2020 benoemd tot waarnemend gezaghebber van het openbaar lichaam Bonaire, voor de periode van drie jaar.Waarnemend Rijksvertegenwoordiger Jan Helmond heeft hem op 29 september…
Nolly Oleana, nombrá komo Gezaghèber suplente di Boneiru
Entrante promé di òktober 2020 a nombra Nolly Oleana komo Gezaghèber suplente di Entidat Públiko Boneiru, pa un periodo di 3 aña.Representante di Reino suplente, Jan Helmond, a hurament’é riba…
Nolly Oleana appointed acting Island Governor Bonaire
Nolly Oleana has been appointed acting Lieutenant Governor of the public entity Bonaire in effect from the 1st of October 2020, for a period of three years. Acting Government Representative,…
Police Station and the section of the House of Detention immediately evacuated following a bomb threat.
At approximately 10:10 pm on Monday 28th, 2020, the Sint Maarten Police Force received an anonymous call regarding a potential bomb threat in the Philipsburg installation All officers on duty immediately…
COCI, Ministry VSA and Ministry TEATT Collaborate in providing further information about COVID-19 Mitigation Policies
In an effort to continue informing the general public and especially the business community as well as to curb the miscommunication between employers and employees as it pertain to the…
Man injured after shooting on the Middle region road
The Sint Maarten Police Force KPSM had a busy start this Monday morning with a shooting that had taken place in the Middle region area.Central Dispatch directed the Police Patrols…
A Motorbike rider collided with a turning vehicle.
The Traffic Department and Ambulance personnel were alerted to a serious traffic accident which took place on the Airport Road on Sunday evening around 11:00 pm. On the scene, the officers…
Servisionan di RCN ta kontinua den forma adaptá
Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland (RCN) ta sigui brindá servisio na siudadanonan di Hulanda Karibense i ta keda disponibel via di telefòn i meil. Si no por otro, ta yuda bishitantenan na…
Dienstverlening RCN gaat in aangepaste vorm door
Rijksdienst Caribisch Nederland zet de dienstverlening voor burgers op Bonaire en Sint Eustatius voort en blijft bereikbaar per telefoon en mail. Als het niet anders kan, worden bezoekers aan de…