Political attention BonKompra desired.
On January 8, Unkobon published the hand-out that the consumers union has offered to visiting members of Parliament. In this hand-out, Unkobon, among other things, called for attention to the postponement of promised subsidies on the tariffs for electricity and water on Bonaire. The absence of the subsidy is a major cause of the increase in electricity tariffs by 24% on January1.
On Tuesday January 16, the Island Council has asked the Executive Council in a motion for measures to mitigate the impact of price increases on April 1, 2018 for water and electricity. The BC is instructed to apply for the subsidy for drinking water and electricity as soon as possible in The Hague and to inform the consumer about the economical use of water and electricity two weeks before the April price increase takes place.
The Island Council also considers that the government must intensify price control on basic necessities in collaboration with the Tienda pa Konsumidó and Unkobon.
For a year and a half the consumers union has been advocating measures that will mitigate the consequences of the BES Electricity and Drinking Water Act. In order to come up with price comparisons at supermarkets on Bonaire together with the Tienda pa Konsumidó Boneiru, Unkobon submitted a project plan to the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the end of November 2017.
In January, Unkobon will launch an information campaign with savings tips for electricity on its Facebook page (fb, com / Unkobon).
Unkobon regards the motion of 16 January 2018 of the Island Council as support for these initiatives. The consumer association hopes that political attention will also be paid to the renewal of the 2014 Bon Kompra agreement. Thanks to this agreement, a package of 36 products at participating supermarkets in the bario’s received the same low price as in the large supermarkets at the Kaya Industria (on average 20% cheaper). The agreement was valid for six months.