CASTRIES, St. Lucia, – The Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC), in collaboration with St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited (LUCELEC), will host its premier annual event: the Chief Executive Officers and Finance Conference at the ‘Sandals Grande St. Lucia’ from 16th to 19th May, 2017, in Saint Lucia. The Conference, which will feature the theme: “Movement: Utilities, People, Technology and Investment”, will be welcoming over one hundred and fifty (150) CEOs and CFOs from utility companies and organisations in the energy sector across the Caribbean, Central and Latin America. Many of these delegates will be arriving a few days earlier to enjoy the “St. Lucia Jazz” scheduled for May 11th -14th, 2017.
“This Conference focuses on the key components which facilitate the ‘movement’ of utilities towards a new paradigm, through a process of change and transformation and explores how utilities are leveraging human capacity, technology and investments in this regard, particularly as it relates to renewable energy and climate resilience. It is timely because it will address, in a fundamental way, a number of the key elements for success in the energy landscape, and so, CARILEC welcomes its full, associate and affiliate members as well as other interested parties, to this tremendously important forum for knowledge sharing and networking” said Dr Cletus Bertin, Executive Director, CARILEC.
A cadre of industry leaders will share their experience and expertise on a range of topics which include: “CARILEC’s Climate Change Adaptation & Sustainable Energy Programme”; “Electric Vehicles”; “Emerging Business Models for Utilities”; “Developing Load Profiles for Peak-Dependent Operational Planning Applications”; “New Power Generation Strategies for the Caribbean”; “Building Energy Efficiency and the Utility Investment Model”; and “Integrating Sustainable Technology to Build the Sustainable Utility”. Additionally, Victor Emmanuel of LUCELEC will deliver a presentation entitled “Transitioning the Utility to a Renewable Energy Environment” and his colleague, Gilroy Pultie, will deliver a presentation entitled “Fuel Price Hedging-LUCELEC’s Experience”. The Conference will emphasize leading innovation and allow delegates to gather insights on best practices from the best in the energy business.
The Conference is being sponsored by: Diamond sponsor: Wärtsilä; Platinum sponsor: ABB; Emerald sponsor: Aggreko; Gold sponsors: Eagle LNG Partners, MAN Diesel & Turbo SE, and The Sol Group; and Silver sponsors Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) and Delta Petroleum Limited.
To register or learn more about the CARILEC 2017 Chief Executive Officers and Finance Conference explore our website, follow us on twitter or like our Facebook page at