WILLEMSTAD / PHILIPSBURG – Entrante 5 di mei 2017, lo inkluí un porsentahe anual máksimo di krédito (APR), den Disposishonnan tokante di Divulgashon di Informashon di Preis di Krédito pa…
Day: May 9, 2017
Central Bank to cap interest rates at 27%
WILLEMSTAD/PHILIPSBURG – As of May 5, 2017 a maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) will be included in the Provisions on the Disclosure of Pricing Information on Consumer Credit (“APR provisions”),…
Visit Dutch Fire Department to Caribbean Netherlands Fire Brigade
At the end of April both the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the Dutch Fire Brigade visited the Caribbean Netherlands Fire Brigade. This visit forms part of the strategy…
Bezoek Brandweer Nederland aan Brandweerkorps Caribisch Nederland
Eind april waren zowel de voorzitter als de plv. voorzitter van Brandweer Nederland op bezoek bij BKCN. Dit bezoek past in de strategie van Brandweer Nederland om zich in de…
Bishita di Brandweer Nederland na Brandweerkorps Caribisch Nederland
Fin di aprel e presidente i presidente suplente di Brandweer Nederland tabata di bishita na brantwer na Boneiru (BKCN). E bishita aki ta pas den e strategia Brandweer Nederland pa…
CARILEC Appoints Dr Cletus Bertin Executive Director
CASTRIES, St. Lucia, – The Board of Directors, Management and Staff of the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC) are delighted to announce the appointment of Cletus Kennedy Bertin, Ph.D., as its…
Arnos Vale, St. Vincent – Vasbert Drakes, Head Coach of the West Indies Women’s Cricket Team, said “the recently-concluded Super50 was the perfect opportunity to see the best women in…
Steady influx of Sargassum Seaweed Being Recorded in Sint Maarten
The St. Maarten Nature Foundation has been reporting a steady influx of Sargassum seaweed over the past few weeks. The organization has been monitoring the progress of sargassum seaweed and…
Press release on Tromp
Today, the Public Prosecutor announced that he would sue Mr Tromp, President of the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten, for tax fraud. Although Tromp believes that the legal…
Persbericht verdediging inzake Tromp
Vandaag heeft het Openbaar Ministerie aangekondigd de heer Tromp, president van de Centrale Bank van Curaçao en Sint Maarten, te zullen dagvaarden voor belastingfraude. Hoewel Tromp meent dat de juridische…