Member of Parliament George Pantophlet wants to thank the voters of St. Maarten for the peaceful manner in which they conducted themselves during the elections. It shows that no matter where people come from it is still our dominant culture as we understand that we must all live peaceably on this little island. He also wants to thank all of those who voted for the National Alliance as they showed their confidence that this party has always worked in the best interest of its people. He also wants to thank those persons who voted for him and pledges to continue to work on their behalf. He thanks them for giving him the opportunity to continue pursuing important matters such as; the casino gaming board, the short term better known as the 6 month contract, the living wage, the consumer protection agency just to name a few. He also want to thank his campaign team and others who were not part of his team but they still encouraged persons to vote for him. He cannot forget his beautiful wife Augustine who through thick and thin stood by his side and encouraged him many times and had to remind him stay on track. His brothers and sisters for their constant support. He must congratulate the leaders of the National Alliance and UP party who have pledged to work together in the interest of the people. And the most important person, God without whom I can do nothing. He is my source, he is my strength he is my all. God bless the people of St. Maarten. Thank you