The essential worker who arrived on St. Eustatius on Thursday, September 3rd, to instruct the medical staff on the COVID-19 PCR testing device tested positive for COVID-19 today, September 6th. He was placed in isolation at an official accommodation immediately. Eleven persons who were in close contact with him last Friday and Saturday, were tested today. Ten of these were tested negative, 1 person was tested positive and was put in isolation immediately, together with his family. However, there are strong doubts that the reason for him being positive is the contact with the essential worker, that is why contact tracing and testing of his contacts is now taking place.
Everyone who was in contact with the essential worker, is also an essential worker for the hospital or local government.
During the work of the essential worker outside his quarantine location, the essential worker strictly followed appropriate protocol and wore a facemask at all times. The chance that he has infected people on the island is minimal.
Everyone who came into contact with the essential worker were immediately tested for Covid-19 and are not infected. The negative tested persons will also be given the test again on Friday the 11th as a control measure.
The hospital will be available for urgent care and will adapt their services. Detailed information about the adapted services, will be communicated through the Facebook page of the St. Eustatius Health Care Foundation:
The local government assures Statian residents that this matter is taken very seriously and that the safety of the people of St Eustatius is our highest priority.
Tomorrow we will have the results of the contact tracing and testing of the positive tested second person. We keep you informed on the results of this