Port St. Maarten Working Remotely. Email General Inquiries and for Accounts Payable/Receivable

Due to the state of emergency that the country is currently under and taking into consideration that this has been extended for three weeks, Port St. Maarten operations continue.

The administrative staff are working remotely from home in order to comply with the social distancing recommendation by public health officials. Social distancing entails being two meters (6-feet) distance between yourself and the other person.

The administrative section of the port can be contacted via email. For inquiries related to accounts payable and receivable, the Accounting Department can be reached via the following email address: accounting@portstmaarten.sx

For general inquiries, the following email address can be used: comments@portstmaarten.sx

You can also call +1-721-542-8503 and select one of the following options, for an Emergency or General inquiry.

Cargo operations continue on a 24/7 basis, unhindered.  Cargo vessels are allowed to come in and deliver consumer-packaged-food-goods and household products out of Europe and the United States.  These calls continue on a weekly basis as normal.