KRALENDIJK — The implementation of various arrangements on tackling trafficking in human beings and the smuggling people in the Caribbean Netherlands needs to be improved. There is insufficient insight on…
Day: April 23, 2020
Press conference Thursday April 23, 2020 Topic 1: Payroll Compensation Proposal Is Discriminatory! Topic 2: Charging SZV With Discriminatory Payroll Support Program Is Unlawful! Topic 3: Compensation for income loss…
The Council of Ministers has decided to maintain the vacation days for the Carnival Holidays as scheduled in order to give teachers, students, parents and school management a well-deserved break…
Durante 2019 Schadefonds a paga un total di 112.406 euro na personanan na Hulanda Karibense
For di promé di aprel 2019, víktima di delito di violensia ku a tuma lugá na Boneiru, Sint Eustatius òf Saba, ta bini na remarke pa un pago di un…
Schadefonds keerde in 2019 totaal 112.406 euro uit aan personen in Caribisch Nederland
Sinds 1 april 2019 komen slachtoffers van geweldsmisdrijven, gepleegd op Bonaire, Sint Eustatius of Saba, in aanmerking voor een eenmalige uitkering van het Schadefonds. Op deze webpagina ziet u een…
Schadefonds paid 112,406 euros total to persons in the Caribbean Netherlands during 2019
As of April 1st, 2019, victims of violent crimes committed in Bonaire, St. Eustatius or Saba are eligible for a one-off compensation payment from Schadefonds. On this webpage you san…
Ook vanuit EZK tegemoetkoming ondernemers Caribisch Nederland
Ondernemers die geraakt worden door de maatregelen in verband met het coronavirus en te maken hebben met hoge vaste lasten, kunnen een tegemoetkoming krijgen van het Ministerie van Economische Zaken…
Kompensashon for di EZK tambe pa empresarionan na Hulanda Karibense
Empresarionan afektá pa e medidanan en konekshon ku vírùs di corona i ku tin di aber ku gastunan fiho haltu, por bini na remarke pa un kompensashon di Ministerio di…
Also compensation from EZK for entrepreneurs in Caribbean Netherlands
Entrepreneurs who are affected by the measures taken in connection with the coronavirus and who have to deal with high fixed expenses, can be eligible for an compensation from the…
Port St. Maarten Working Remotely. Email General Inquiries and for Accounts Payable/Receivable
Due to the state of emergency that the country is currently under and taking into consideration that this has been extended for three weeks, Port St. Maarten operations continue. The…