Police officers receive custom-made bulletproof vests

The long awaited custom-made bulletproof vests, for every officer on the police force, have arrived. These vests were ordered by Toni M Impex located in Cole Bay and are the vests which the former Minister of Justice the honorable Dennis Richardson had ordered while in office. These vests are of lightweight and very strong material and are custom made for every individual officer. The vest can easily and comfortably be worn under the police uniform. These vests were ordered as part of the plan of approach to better protect the officers while carrying out their duty.


The management team of the KPSM is very happy to have received these vests for its officers and want to thank the Justice Minister for living up to his commitment in having these vests ordered. The new Chief of Police Carl John has made it mandatory for all his officers to wear his or her bulletproof vest while on duty. The custom made vests have been distributed among the officers and the temporary vests were returned and stored for use when necessary.


During the distribution of the new vests Mrs. Janice Philips representing, the President of the N.A.P.B. Mrs. Jeanine Peterson was present and stated that the police union was quite happy with this development and urge all colleagues to make proper use of the vests seeing the increase in violence used during crime in general. Mrs. Philips also wants to thank Minister Dennis Richardson for living up to his promise.