Police officers Moceda Deann Egen who passed away on Saturday November 14th 2015 will be laid to rest with highest honor on Monday November 23rd 2015. As part of the ceremony, at 10.00 a.m. the body of the late Moceda Egen will be escorted by police from the Emerald Funeral Home in Cay Hill to Philipsburg for her last visit at the Philipsburg Police Head Quarters. At the police station a full uniformed honor guard will be awaiting her arrival. Family members who will be accompanying M. Egen will then enter the police station and in the presence of the police management team hang a picture of Mrs. Egen among those of other fallen colleagues of the police force. In connection with this ceremony traffic will be closed on the E. Camille Richardson Street for approximately 30 minutes
At approximately 10.20 a.m. the procession will leave the police station and escorted to the Good News Baptist Church on Sint Peter’s road where the body could be viewed and where the continuation of the ceremony and church service will take place.
During the church service traffic on this road will be diverted to get into and out of Sint Peters.
All drivers are advised to take good note of this information and use alternative routes to avoid any unnecessary inconvenience or delays.