SXM Trails 5th Annual Walkathon, November 22rd

United for the environment is the theme for the 5th annual SXM Trails walkathon scheduled for Sunday, November 22, and will begin 5:30 am, according to Manuel Juste president of the club.

“We’re excited about this year’s walkathon, because it shows consistency and commitment by our membership who worked hard to make this event possible for the past 5 years,” remarked Manuel.

The St. Martin hiking group pledge to protect the environment is being appreciated by the various persons who join them every weekend as they hike throughout the island.

“This Sunday’s walkathon will no doubt see an increase in participants given the environmentally conscious breeze that is blowing through our community,” added Manuel.

The organization has been on a fundraising campaign to raise funds to help maintain and enhance the various hiking sites on the island.

The route for the walkathon will begging at the Festival Village, pond fill road, Prince Bernard Bridge, Bush Road, Grand Marché Roundabout, Cole Bay Hill Road, Cole Bay roundabout, Union Road, until Caribbean Auto Sales where participants will engage in short mountain hike to Bellevue, and exiting under the big tamarind tree next to the entrance of the Fleming’s property about 200M from the finish line at the Home N Tool parking lot where refreshments and breakfast will be served.

SXM Trails is a non-governmental organization that has been spreading their wings by participating in various hiking meets in the Caribbean region. “I’m proud to announce that we are also an affiliate member of France’s FFRandonnée,” said Manuel.

Tickets for the walkathon are €10/12 Dollars and include a t-shirt and breakfast. Tickets can be puchesed from mebers of St. Martin Trails and from the following businesses:

Blue Point Gas Station in Galisbay, and Tri-Sport Rue de Hollande Marigot for the French side as well as tri-Sport in Simpson Bay, and at Napa Auto parts in Col Bay. At the end of the walk transportation will be provided or one can also park his/her car at the arrival point in Marigot and a bus will take them to the festival village 5am for departure.

Walkers will have the opportunity to win prizes raffle Style at the end of the walk.

For more information and tickets call 0690678392 or email