Appointment deputy Central Government Commissioner St. Eustatius

Following a proposal by state secretary Van Huffelen from the ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK), the cabinet has agreed to appoint a new deputy Central Government Commissioner for St. Eustatius: Mrs. N. (Nicoline) van der Linden-Geertsema.
The new deputy Central Government Commissioner will start her activities on the 15 th of June. She will succeed Claudia Toet, who has moved to the role of director Belastingdienst Caribisch Nederland at the Belastingdienst on Bonaire. State secretary Van Huffelen is very grateful to Mrs. Toet for her hard work on St.Eustatius.
The new deputy Central Government Commissioner, Mrs. Nicoline van der Linden, was born and raised in Amersfoort. She is an experienced manager with comprehensive experience when it comes to political administration.
From 2020 until now, she served as deputy programme director for the Program directorate Versterken en Perspectief Groningen (Strengthening and Perspective Groningen), for the ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.
For the ministry of BZK, she was acting department head for the Social domain at the Administration, Finance and Regions directorate, and previously served as acting department head of Commerce and Capital Markets in the Housing market directorate.
Between 2009 and early 2016, Mrs. Van der Linden was department head of Kingdom relations at the Kingdom Relations directorate.