Police Law and new salary scales currently being reviewed by Council of Advice

The draft Legal Position Regulation for the Police of Sint Maarten with the new salary scales is currently being reviewed by the Council of Advice. After having received the signed consent and covenant of the draft Legal Position Regulation from the Committee for Civil Servants Union (CCSU) on October 3rd, 2022, the Honorable Minister of Justice Anna E. Richardson immediately forwarded same to the Council of Advice for a final review through the Cabinet of both
the Prime Minister and the Governor.
From the inception of taking public office, Minister Richardson has been tackling the personnel issues of the Ministry of Justice with a steadfast and collective approach in the interest of all justice workers. She continues to provide updates on each step in the lengthy legislative process, be it via meetings with the unions, press briefings, or press statements. One element in bringing these issues of the Ministry to an end is the establishment of the Legal Position Regulation with its salary scales in order to enact the completed Ministry of Justice Function Book which was signed and approved on December 20th, 2021. Considering that the Police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) Function Book
is a part of the entire Ministry of Justice Function Book, it was determined that the Legal Position Regulation for the Police of Sint Maarten with the new salary scales also needs to be finalized so that all three items become enacted together.
Once the draft Legal Position Regulation is received from the Council of Advice, and the necessary amendments made, it will be sent to the Council of Ministers for approval and then sent on to His Excellency Governor Ajamu Baly for signature, and finally to Minister Richardson for final approval and signature.
Upon final approval, the national decree for police personnel stating the new salary scales and steps of each concerning civil servant will be legal. This new Legal Position Regulation including salary scales will then be officially and legally ratified. These actions serve as the legal basis for the police personnel to be reimbursed for salary differences that exist since the salaries of police personnel had not been adjusted in 2010.
“Though the legal process is a lengthy one, I am elated that personnel matters of the Ministry of Justice are finally being properly regulated after 11 years. I anticipate that within a few short weeks, this will all be finalized considering that all relevant entities such as the Council of Ministers, the Council of Advice, His Excellency Governor Ajamu Baly, and my person as Minister of Justice, all have this matter as a high priority item. Nevertheless, within this same token, I recognize and understand the frustration and grievances of the officers, as such, I have requested a meeting with
them via the Chief of Police,” stated Minister Richardson.