Prime Minister Jacobs & Women’s Desk to host family themed panel discussion

The Honorable Prime Minister and Minister of General Affairs Silveria E. Jacobs and Women’s Desk of the Department of Community Development, Family and Humanitarian Affairs (CDFHA) are hosting a panel discussion surrounding International Family Day 2022. This panel discussion themed “Family, the Core of Society” will mainly include dialogue between family affairs experts and the public on the topic of family. The event will serve as a way to gather information that can determine if there is a need for family-centered policy development and highlight possible policy
Prime Minister Jacobs stated, “Families are the core, foundation, pillar and bedrock of any given society, as the continuity of human civilization is dependent on the family. A family, which can include biological parents, extended family, or adopted parents, gives us our identity, and help to shape who we become by the passing down of cultural norms, beliefs, morals, and values. As such, June 3rd was chosen as the date to host this important event as it falls between three key family celebration days in the year, Mother’s Day, Family Day, and Father’s Day.”
Though the traditional image of the family continues to evolve, the family remains an essential element of society. Considering that, whatever affects the family, has a trickling effect on society and the reverse is true, be it negative or positive. The family-themed panel discussion will be held on Friday, June 3, 2022, from 6 – 8:30pm at the Government Administration Building in Conference Room 1. Prime Minister Jacobs and Women’s Desk hereby encourage the general public to attend the event as the importance of families and the issues faced by them are discussed to increase
awareness of the social, economic, and demographic processes affecting families and work towards solutions together.