One suspect arrested in Back Street shooting investigation

Police have made one arrest in the ongoing investigation into the May 16 fatal shooting on Back Street that claimed the life of a young man with initials B.C.The suspect…

Prime Minister Jacobs: Government committed to offering relief

On May 20, the Honorable Prime Minister Silveria E. Jacobs took note of a press statement issued by State Secretary Alexandra van Huffelen and hereby renders a response. “I am…

Duana ta splika e proseso di deskargo di kònteiner i merkansia

Regularmente pregunta ta drenta serka Douane CN tokante e proseso di deskargo di kònteiner i merkansia ku ta drenta e isla. Aki bou nos ta splika kiko ta e prosedura…

Customs explains process of releasing containers and cargo

We regularly receive questions at Douane CN about the process of releasing containers and cargo that enter the island. Below we explain the procedure from the arrival of the container…

Een grote financiële stap voor inwoners Caribisch Nederland

Verschillende departementen hebben de handen ineen geslagen om Bonaire, Saba en Sint-Eustatius verder te ondersteunen. De investering is bedoeld om met een extra impuls de levensstandaard van de inwoners van…

Un gran paso finansiero pa habitante di Hulanda Karibense

Vários departamento a uni forsa pa sigui sostené Boneiru, Saba i Sint Eustatius. E invershon tin komo meta pa duna un impulso adishonal na mehorashon di e nivel di bida…

A big financial step for residents of the Caribbean Netherlands

Various departments have joined forces to further support Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. The investment is meant to give an extra impulse to improve the living standard of the inhabitants…