Under the watchful eye and supervision of the instructors of the Coast Guard officers training (BOK), the selection rounds for the aspiring Coast Guards officers started on the islands of Aruba, Curaçao and St. Maarten. A large group of youngsters between the ages of 18 and 25 has shown interest in the ‘Basisopleiding Kustwacht’, which will start in August 2021. During the selection round, the youngsters are tested for their strength through endurance exercises, swimming exercises and other sports assignments to determine their physical condition. The youngsters, both boys and girls started early in the morning on Monday with the swimming exercises followed by track running and push-ups.
As a final assignment they had to carry out a team assignment, this last assignment is very important since the youngsters will be working as a team on the units of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard. All sports and team assignments are carried out under the guidance and supervision of the BOK instructors, who will select the best youngsters for the Coast Guard training. The next Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard recruitment will start in January 2022.