Speech of the Kingdom Representant, Jan Helmond at the Remembrance day ceremony

Ladies and gentlemen,Last year, when we had gathered here as a select committee to commemorate 75 years of freedom, I ended my speech by expressing the hope that we would…

Spich di Representante di Reino, Jan Helmond na seremonia di Konmemorashon di defuntu

Dama- i kabayeronan,Aña pasá, nos a bin huntu akinan den un grupo chikitu pa konmemorá 75 aña di libertat. E dia ei mi a terminá mi diskurso ekspresando speransa ku…

Toespraak Rijksvertegenwoordiger, Jan Helmond bij Dodenherdenking ceremonie

Dames en heren,Vorig jaar, kwamen wie hier in klein comité bij elkaar om 75 jaar vrijheid te herdenken. Ik eindigde mijn speech toen met het uitspreken van de hoop dat…

Recreational facilities, school buildings discussed at retreat

SABA–The development of recreational facilities and the upgrading of the school buildings were two topics discussed during the recent retreat of the Island Council and the Executive Council. Recreational facilities…

National Day of Remembrance

On Tuesday, May 4, the Government of Sint Maarten recognized National Remembrance Day, (“Dodenherdenkingsdag”). During this national day of commemoration, all Dutch victims – civilians and soldiers – who have…

Minister meets with local entertainers for Island wide vaccination campaign

On Monday May 3rd 2021, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley in the presence of his Legal Advisor Lyndon Lewis and Department Head Collective…