In April 2021, discussions were opened by the Minister of Justice, Ms. Anna E. Richardson with community council representatives regarding the safety and security of community residents. These discussions were held to identify issues that are being experienced in the neighborhoods and to find ways in which they can be addressed.
Minister Richardson has expressed the commitment and service of the Ministry of Justice in supporting the communities in combatting issues being faced.
Based on the reports of the community council representatives of the various districts, Minister Richardson was able to gain a better understanding of the different issues, frustrations, and grievances that were expressed. The discussions made it clear that it will require the efforts of all agencies which falls under the Ministry of Justice to tackle the diverse issues. As structured, the wide range of issues and crime related activities that occurs in and around neighborhoods are all classified by jurisdiction, which is what makes it essential for residents to know which authorities should be contacted for a specific responsibilities.
Minister Richardson proposed the implementation of an awareness campaign as a way to properly inform and educate residents on how to address any issues faced and how they too can contribute to a safer community. “Community safety cannot be achieved by an independent effort by its residents nor by the authorities. We must begin to work together, not as separate communities but as one; including the support of the Ministry of Justice. Together we can accomplish our common goal: a safer and more secure community.”
We urge all residents of our communities to report any crime related activities to the respective authorities. And we ask your assistance in raising awareness throughout the communities by sharing this flyer. Listed are the 24/7 hotlines for the various agencies along with their responsibilities. A SAFER COMMUNITY, TOGETHER!
Steps to a safer community:
- Keep close contact with your community council
- Report crimes to the right authorities
- Raise community awareness
- Familiarize yourself with your neighbors
- Join neighborhood watch
- Notify neighbors of any suspicious activities
- Know and contact your Community Police Officer (CPO).