The Public Entity of St. Eustatius has arranged a passenger transport from Statia to Saba on Friday, December 4th so that Statian residents can celebrate Saba Day which is celebrated during the whole upcoming weekend.
Many persons within the community have reached out to the Public Entity requesting the possibility to travel to the sister island. However, due to the unavailability of boats that are licensed for passenger transport, the Public Entity has reached out to a number of qualified vessels and have made it possible to arrange a boat trip to Saba.
The Big B vessel is scheduled to transport Statian passengers to Saba. The departure date from St. Eustatius to Saba is on Friday, December 4th at 13:00PM. The boat will return from Saba to return to St. Eustatius on Sunday, December 6that 10:00 AM. The price per ticket is USD$155.00 including all harbor fees.
Persons interested in traveling onboard the Big B to Saba may do so by booking reservations through the Public Health Department on the Cottage Road. Reservations are possible as of Wednesday, December 2nd and on Thursday, December 3rd between the hours of 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM. The telephone number to reach the Public Health Department is +599 318 2891. Passengers are requested to walk with a valid passport for booking and confirmation purposes. Payments are required immediately after a reservation has been made.
Unlicensed boats are not permitted to transport passengers. The vessels on Statia are registered as pleasure boats (pleziervaartuigen) according to the BES Navigation Law (Scheepvaartwet BES). The Shipping Law article 2 member d (Schepenwet artikel 2 lid d) says that pleasure boats do not fall under the rules of the shipping law (schepenwet) as long as they do not transport passengers. If they do transport passengers they need to fulfil the safety requirements as established in the schepenwet and be registered according to the shipping law regulation (schepenwet regeling) for small vessels.