People of St. Maarten, both here on St. Maarten and abroad, I hereby address you as Prime Minister and Chair of the EOC for today’s update on April 11, 2020.…
Day: April 12, 2020
Voortgang start repatriëren ingezetenen
De repatriëring van ingezetenen van het eiland zal snel van start gaan. Aanvankelijk werd er ingezet om de eerste repatrianten op 14 april vanuit Nederland te kunnen ontvangen, dit is…
Progreso komienso di repatriashon di residente
Repatriashon di residente di nos isla lo kuminsá pronto. E intenshon tabata pa repatriá e promé grupo di residente riba 14 di aprel ku un buelo for di Hulanda, pero…
Progress starts repatriating residents
The repatriation of residents of the island will start shortly. Initially, efforts were made to receive the first repatriates from the Netherlands on April 14th, however, this is not possible…