Ordenansa nobo BES(t) 4 Kids pa kalidat i aksesibilidat akohida pa mucha

BES(t) 4 Kids tin dos ophetivo: fortalesé kalidat di kuido hubenil i di fasilidatnan pafó di skol i mehorashon di aksesibilidat finansiero pa mayornan. E programa tin komo ophetivo pa…

Nieuwe BES(t) 4 Kids regelingen voor kwaliteit en toegankelijkheid kinderopvang

BES(t) 4 Kids streeft twee doelen na: het versterken van de kwaliteit van de kinderopvang en buitenschoolse voorzieningen en het verbeteren van de financiële toegankelijkheid voor ouders. Het programma beoogt…

New BES(t) 4 Kids regulations for quality and accessibility of childcare

BES(t) 4 Kids pursues two goals: to strengthen the quality of childcare and after school facilities and to improve financial accessibility for parents. The program aims to have two important…

Dienstverlening Girobank NV rustig verlopen

De CBCS en de Girobank NV willen alle klanten, de medewerkers van de Girobank NV en de ondersteunende veiligheidsdiensten en de Politie hartelijk danken voor het goede verloop van de…

Girobank NV services run smoothly

The CBCS and Girobank NV would like to thank all customers, the employees of Girobank NV and the supporting security services and the Police for the smooth running of the…

Saba Day speech Bruce Zagers

Good morning and welcome to this 44th Saba Day celebration. I would like to express a special welcome to the many visitors and the people of Saba who are here…

Saba Day Speech 2019 Jonathan Johnson

Girls & Boys, Ladies & Gentlemen, Friends from near and far. Happy Saba Day. Today I stand proudly before you to celebrate with you our 44th annual Saba Day. The…


Prime Minister Silveria Jacobs, supported by the Council of Ministers, decided today, in a second emergency meeting with Police representatives, senior staff of the Ministries of General Affairs, Justice, and…

Ministry VROMI Traffic Alert: Partial Closure of A. Th. Illidge Road on Tuesday & Wednesday

 Ministry of Public Housing,Environment, Spatial Development and Infrastructure (Ministry VROMI), announces that there will be a partial closure of a section of the A. Th. Illidge road – Lower Princess…

Simpson Bay Bridge Remains Fully Operational

The Simpson Bay Bridge despite an incident on Sunday afternoon is fully operational for outbound and inbound Mega Yachts and regular boat traffic. On Sunday afternoon after the incident, the…