Pursuant to the provisions of article 36, paragraph 3 of the Election Ordinance, the chairman
of the Central Voting Bureau hereby announces the following:
On Thursday, December 5 th 2019, the Central Voting Bureau will hold a session at 16.00hrs
in the Legislative Hall of the House of Parliament, located at the Wilhelminastraat 1 in
Philipsburg. During said session, the Central Voting Bureau will determine the numbering of
the lists of candidates submitted to the chairman on November 21 st 2019, as they will appear
on the ballot.
At the session, the (deputy) representative of each political party to the Central Voting
Bureau will have the opportunity to indicate to the chairman their color of choice of their list of
candidates. Political parties are only allowed to choose from the colors that are listed in the
decree of the Minister of General Affairs dated October 18 th 2019.
The session is open to eligible voters, providing the order is not disturbed as a result thereof
or that the advancement of duties is not impeded.