The CCSU submits maternity & paternity leave proposal to Prime Minister Romeo-Marlin

On Friday May 31st, 2019, the Committee of Civil Servants Unions (CCSU) submitted a maternity and paternity leave proposal to Prime Minister Leona Romeo-Marlin in her capacity of Minister of…

VSA launches campaign on Occupational safety

The Inspectorate of Public Health, Social development and Labor, launched the Stay Alert, Don’t get Hurt, Occupational Safety & Health Awareness campaign at the NIPA building on May 15th 2019.…

Minister of Justice signs KPSM function book

On Monday June 3rd the honorable Minister of Justice Cornelius de Weever in the presence of the Police Chief Carl John and the management team, representatives of the NAPB, ABVO…

Continuation Urgent Plenary Public session of Parliament about the effects of the lumpsum subsidy on the FAVE and SVOBE schools

The House of Parliament will sit in a Plenary Public session on Tuesday, June 4, 2019. The public meeting which was adjourned on May 27, 2019, will be reconvened on…

HBN Law and DCTL are the largest legal and tax services provider in Dutch Caribbean

The professionals of HBN Law and DCTL (formerly KPMG Meijburg & Co Caribbean) will work together as HBN Law & Tax at the beginning of June 2019. This creates the…

HBN Law en DCTL vormen grootste juridische en fiscale dienstverlener in Dutch Caribbean

De professionals van HBN Law en DCTL (voorheen KPMG Meijburg & Co Caribbean) gaan per begin juni 2019 samenwerken als HBN Law & Tax. Daarmee ontstaat de grootste juridische én…