“Comparative statistics in regard to the status of our labor market and social services should be made available so we are aware as to where we stand today, compared with the period immediately following hurricane Irma. Related to this of course is the Emergency Income Support and Training Program (EIST). These are areas in which questions were recently posed by Member of Parliament Sarah Wescot-Williams to Minister of Health Care, Social Development & Labor (VSA), Emil Lee.
“Millions have been put or will be put into the EIST program and as a Member of Parliament, I would like to know what the complete picture is of the labor market. A year after the hurricane, what is the status of our labor market and social services, concretely where do we stand in terms of employment of our people and the need for social services, such as financial assistance and medical assistance?”
These questions have been put to the Minister of VSA. Wescot-Williams “counts on a speedy reply to be able to assess how we are moving towards the (re)employment of our people a year after hurricane Irma.”