The deadline of July 31st, 2018, whereby all funding applications must be submitted to the Dutch National Disaster Fund (‘Nationale Rampen Fonds’ – NRF) is nearing quickly.
In November 2017 the NRF pledged a maximum of 2 million euros, of which 2/3’s will be going to local NGOs for post-Irma recovery projects on St. Maarten, Saba and St. Eustatius. The main focus is on projects which concentrate on the re-building and strengthening of social networks and activities on the islands.
Organizations such as neighborhood and community centers, children day care, after school and youth centers, PTAs as well as organizations that cater to vulnerable persons such as seniors, mentally and physically challenged and low income/socially challenged groups, form the main target group. Most of these social NGOs offer social, cultural, arts, sports, environmental, parent-child and/or other activities with the aim of promoting social cohesion and strengthening the social fabric of the community. Organizations that fall into, or collaborate with one of these categories, are encouraged to submit a project proposal to become eligible for funding to by the deadline date of July 31st.
The local non-profit sector has proven to be a very important stakeholder after the hurricanes and the prospective 2 million euro’s that has been made available is a perfect opportunity for not only the large, but also for the small local social organizations to strengthen themselves and the projects and programs they execute.
Monday June 18th the local Project Advisors made a visit to Saba and Statia to give an information session on the fund and answer any questions any NGOs may have. This was a successful visit which will hopefully help recruit more post-hurricane social initiatives. A session was held on St. Maarten on May 15th, which was very well attended, and thus far has led to numerous project proposals.
Further information (including the Terms of Reference) can be found via This also includes a downloadable application form (in both Dutch and English). The project advisers can be contacted at 5860808 / (Fleur Hermanides) and / or 5815050 / Sommers) for any project support or inquiries.