Het Openbaar Ministerie Sint Maarten en het Korps Sint Maarten (KSPM) roepen eigenaren van goederen die tijdens en na orkaan Irma zijn gestolen op om vrijdag 6 april 2018 tussen…
Day: March 14, 2018
Victims of looting can reclaim goods by validating ownership
The Public Prosecutors Office Sint Maarten and the Sint Maarten Police Force (KPSM) are calling on owners of items stolen during and in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma to visit…
Council of Ministers approves VNG recovery project
The Council of Ministers approved the proposal for the recovery project of VNG International, who presented the scope of their project and its activities to the ministers. The International Cooperation…
Informateurs Report
Click the link below: Informateur Report Maart 2018
Minister of Tourism & Economic De Weever encourages businesses to register for Build Back Better Week
Acting Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transportation and Telecommunications (Ministry TEATT) Cornelius de Weever, to register for the Build Back Better Week (BBB) which kicks off on March 16 and…
Sint Maarten to participate in CARIBE WAVE 18 tsunami wave exercise
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC)/Office of Disaster Management (ODM), will be participating in the March 15 CARIBE WAVE 18 tsunami wave regional exercise. The purpose of the exercise is to…