TelCell Breakthough winner, Manukiell Edwards, addresses scores of his schoolmates each morning as they pass through the front gate of the Sundial School in Philipsburg – and just for good measure, he does the same at the St. Dominic school in South Reward each morning also.
The greeting is not a physical one, but comes in the form of a poster message that Manukiell delivers to his peers, courtesy of the TelCell Breakthrough Talent Search organizers.
Each year the Breakthrough team rewards the talent search winners with a series of posters featuring all the winners with a positive message aimed at St. Maarten youths. Posted a various strategic locations around the island where young people congregate such as the Philipsburg Jubilee Library, they are most prominent at the entrance of a number of the island’s secondary schools.
In the latest Sundial school poster unveiled Friday, Manukiell advises his classmates to (here), while at the St. Dominic School his message reminds us that “a man without education is like a building without foundation.”

“I have a double responsibility this year because I have also been voted President of the Student body at Sundial so I feel very proud to present these messages to our St. Maarten youth,” said Mnukiell. He says he’s looking forward to taking part in other activities with the other TelCell Breakthrough winners in the coming weeks and months, including work on a music video and lots of studio recording sessions.

Also Friday, another TelCell Breakthrough 2017 winner, Temaia Dennis, assisted in the unveiling of a new sponsor for the Philipsburg Jubilee Library poster, graced this year by follow Breakthrough winner, (name here).
“A lot of young people visit the Library every day and I urge them to read the message on (name) poster and take inspiration from it,” said Temaia.
TelCell Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Mr. Brian Mingo, thanked the youngsters for turning out for Friday’s unveiling and for assisting in TelCell Breakthrough’s mission to bring positive and uplifting messages to St. Maarten youth.
“You people today face many challenges as they navigate through a very important stage of their lives, making it equally important for them to identify with other young people like them who are doing positive and exciting things that are not only uplifting, but fun too,” said Mr. Mingo.
The CCO also thanked the TelCell Breakthrough team who continue to put all their efforts into the island’s youth with all they do with organizing, staging and promoting of the TelCell Breakthrough event each year.