P.E.P (Patrol to Eradicate Pedophilia and Child Molestation) president Mhakeda Shillingford , would like to first of all thank Michael Granger and the St. Maarten Carnival Development Committee for the opportunity last year to combine and host the Carnival Youth Extravaganza in collaboration with the Pep Showdown.
Pep Showdown was our first annual show featuring high schools and their artistic directors portraying their message against child abuse and molestation in song, dance and drama.
We also had our French vs Dutch annual DJ completion.
The Reigning Champion is the Charlotte Brookson Academy. This year, the other schools will be challenging for the top spot. Our winning DJ’s will send up their protégées.
This year we will not be hosting the youth extravaganza at the festival village.
The SCDF will be organizing the youth extravaganza.
Pep Showdown will be held as a separate show in the month of May 2017.
PEP thanks the schools registered participating in the Showdown 2017.
Will Charlotte Brookson retain the trophy or will we crown a new winner?
PEP Showdown 2017 participants are invited to a stakeholders meeting on Saturday February 25 2017 at the St Peters community at 1:00-3:00.
You can contact PEP at 5272884