On January 1st 2017 several legislative amendments were implemented for the AOV [Wet Algemene Ouderdomsverzekering; General Retirement Insurance Act) partner supplement. This means that everyone who has an AOV pension and is married to a younger partner may be entitled to a supplement.
If the joint annual income from the one who receives an AOV pension and his or her younger partner totals less than 12,921 USD on Bonaire, Saba 15,503 USD or on St. Eustatius 15,828 USD, then a partner supplement can be requested. In this case two situations are possible. A partial partner supplement can be granted when the annual income is between 7,670 USD -12,921USD (Bonaire), 9,190 USD -15,503 USD (Saba) or 9,399 USD -15,828 USD (St. Eustatius). When the joint annual income is lower than respectively 7,670 USD (Bonaire), 9,190 USD (Saba) or 9,399 USD (Sint Eustatius), you may receive a full partner supplement .
The maximum amount of the partner supplement that one can receive per month is 404 USD for Bonaire, 495 USD for St. Eustatius and USD 485 for Saba. The following is an example how the partner fee is calculated
Example of the maximum partner supplement (Bonaire) You receive an AOV pension of 300 USD per month. Your partner does not have any income. Your joint yearly income totals 3.900 USD This is below the threshold of 9.399 USD and therefore you may qualify for a full partner supplement of 495 USD.
Example of a partial partner supplement (Bonaire) You receive a monthly AOV pension of 723 USD. Your partner has an income of 100 USD. Your joint yearly income totals 10.599 USD. You may then qualify for a partial partner supplement. In this case it will be 395 USD a month.
The amount of the partner supplement is also dependant on the number of ‘insured years’ of the younger partner. A reduction of 2% will be applied to the amount of the partner supplement for each year that your partner lived outside of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius or Saba.
In December, a letter and an application form was sent to all persons who receive an AOV pension in the Caribbean Netherlands. They were asked to fill in the application form completely and supplementing it with a copy of proof of identity of both persons. To verify the information provided, proof of banking information and income is asked. The RCN Unit Social Affairs and Employment organizes extra office hours to assist in filling out the application form or to give more information.
The special office hours on Bonaire are on the following days from 2 pm to 4 pm at the Office of Social Affairs and Employment, Centrumgebied:
Tuesday 17 January 2017 | Thursday 19 January 2017 |
Tuesday 14 February 2017 | Thursday 16 February 2017 |
Tuesday 21 February 2017 | Thursday 23 February 2017 |
Tuesday 28 February 2017 | Thursday 2 March 2017 |
On Saba and Sint Eustatius one can visit the Office of Social Affairs and Employment during opening hours.
If you did not receive a letter but you are receiving an AOV-pension and have a younger partner, then please contact the office of SZW.