Information session on safety and health at work in the retail industry

On Thursday September 22nd the Labour Inspection will organise an information session at Divi Flamingo, on safety and health at work in the retail industry. The session is primarily intended to bring employers up to date on how and what the Labour Inspection will inspect in the fall when it comes to safety and health at work. Not only employers but also employees are invited to attend the session, because there will be information given about physical load.


First the Labour Inspection will explain what will be inspected. It concerns matters such as the organisation of safety and health at work. Besides the contribution of the Labour Inspection, the Caribbean Netherlands Fire Department will explain what one should be aware of when it comes to the prevention of fire and what tools are needed to fight an incipient fire. Furthermore a physiotherapist will be present and this person will provide information on how to prevent physical complaints due to lifting, pulling and pushing.


Various suppliers and advisers in the field of safety and health at work will also display their newest products and services.


Thursday  September 22nd  the start is at 6.00 PM  at Divi Flamingo in the Peter Hughes room with a snack and a drink. The official part will start at 6:30 pm until around 8:30 pm. Then there is the opportunity to enjoy a drink and to talk informally with fellow companies and to do some networking.


In view of the organisation of space and catering, registration is required. You can register up until Monday September, 19th via or via telephone number 715 8333