In the general interest and safety of students and the public both the Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS) as well as the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication (TEATT) are of the opinion that all school bus activities must be regulated by law and there must be certain binding agreements in place to ensure that all parties are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
The Minister of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS), Ms. Silveria Jacobs, and on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication, Ms. Ingrid Arrindell (TEATTT) would hereby like to invite all the School Bus Operators to a Meeting scheduled on June 30th, 2016 at the Dr. A.C. Wathey Legislative Hall from 15.30-17.30 (3:30 – 5:30pm) to discuss the draft Service Level Agreement (SLA) and School Bussing Policy.
It has been Governments intention to restructure and reorganize our current bussing system for quite some time which was reiterated during the last meeting held in March 2016. The goal is to implement the new School Bussing Policy in the new school year (2016-2017).
A copy of both documents can be obtained at the Department of Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports, located at the N. De Brot Street #3, Vlaun Building, Philipsburg, St. Maarten.
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sports (MECYS) as well as the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication (TEATT) are looking forward to a fruitful meeting, to collaboratively come up with a safer, efficient and cost effective School Bus Transportation Service.