March 20th and 21st marked the first ever SXM DOET initiative and
with remarkable success!
The SXM DOET bug was expected to catch on, but never was it expected to be this
popular for its first ever edition. Instead of having the expected 20-25 projects
registered to participate, over 40 projects were registered by about 35 organizations to
partake in SXM DOET. Many more were interested, but not yet able to take on largescale
projects, promising for an even greater turn out next year.

doghouses to shelter our island’s many stray animals. (Photo credit: Nathaly Pieters)
The participating organizations are diverse ones and their projects varied to an even
greater extent; emphasizing the various ways a person can give back to society. This
led to having projects geared to everyone’s liking and capabilities, thereby attracting
persons from all walks of life, all ages, nationalities, differing skills, capabilities and
interests. Not only residents, but also frequent visitors to the island participated in
SXM DOET as well. The SXM DOET team, mainly existing of persons from the Be The
Change Foundation, is therefore very proud to have been able to bring together so
many different persons to be part of the largest local volunteer initiative ever
launched, and making the largest volunteer initiative of the Dutch Kingdom just that
much bigger and meaningful.

and repairs at the Sister Regina Primary School in Simpson Bay. (Photo credit: Nathaly Pieters)
When including the volunteers from the participating organizations themselves, plus
the registered volunteers that signed up via the website, along
with persons who decided to join in on the initiative last minute, there is an estimate of
about 1,000 total volunteers having participated during the two SXM DOET days. One
project attracted about 200 persons, many of them children, paving their way to a
brighter, future.

teambuilding activity in celebration of SXM DOET. (Photo credit: Melanie Choisy)
Many persons, institutions, businesses, schools, social organizations, sporting and
church groups, friends and families, all joined in to help build greenhouses, gazebos,
gardens, obstacle courses, and doghouses; painting fences, buildings, and murals;
entertaining the less fortunate and ones with special needs, providing persons with
much needed goods and care; planting trees, doing clean ups, launching of centers,
refurbishing playgrounds and sporting facilities; helping with health fair activities; and
the list goes on and on. Many persons and groups even participated for both days and
for multiple projects. Many participants included government officials and departments,
not just endorsing the initiative but in full participation as well. Proving to not just talk
the talk, but also walk the walk.The SXM DOET team is humbled by the response and wants to thank everyone for coming out to help Sint Maarten become a better place, one small step at a time; as
the SXM DOET slogan states: Together We Achieve More. A heartfelt thank you
therefore goes out to all the selfless volunteers who donated their time, energy, heart
and dedication as well as their blood, sweat and tears during this past weekend.
Without them this initiative would not have been nearly as successful as it was.

White & Yellow Cross and St. Martin’s Home in St. Johns. (Photo credit: Melanie Choisy)
The team is now looking forward to an even bigger response in 2016, where the
second edition of SXM DOET will take place during March 11th and 12th, Kingdomwide.
Hopefully this initiative has also opened the eyes of many persons, as to how
many great organizations and initiatives there are locally. Stimulating volunteerism,
empathy and altruism as a whole, as well as creating unity amongst the different
interest groups on Sint Maarten, has therefore highlighted the many remarkable,
selfless persons our Friendly Island has.
The SXM DOET team will be posting all pictures on their Facebook
site for everyone to enjoy and requests persons to post
their pictures to the site as well, and/or by hashtagging them with #SXMDOET. The
official website will be updated soon as well, and the SXM DOET
video will be published once finalized.
Many, many thanks also go out to all the organizations; businesses and private
persons whom have helped the first edition of SXM DOET become a success! A
heartfelt thank you goes out to RMG Designs, Heavenly Waters, Kooyman, Divico,
Cake House, Belvedere Community Center, the Philipsburg Cultural Centre, the Bel Air
Community Centre, Metiss Pastry, NIA, Antillean Liquors, Island 92, the Philipsburg
Broadcasting Company (specifically: Laser 101, and Oasis 96.3), Pearl FM, PJD2, Viva
Signs, Print 2000, Print ‘n Go, Easy Print, Sign999, the Daily Herald, the Today
Newspaper, SMN News, SXM Island Time, Soualiga Newsday, Caribbean Legacy,
Elektralytes Foundation, Marketing Solutions International, Happy Balloons by Janice,
Bree’s Kitchen, as well as those companies who supported organizations on their own
accord, Samenwerkende Fondsen and last but definitely not least, the Oranje Fonds to
whom the initiation of SXM DOET and it’s funding deserves all credit.