UPNext, the youth movement of the United People (UP) party is gearing up for its “Christmas Cheer UP” activities for the upcoming Christmas season. It is the first project the group of youngsters will embark on following the Parliamentary Elections of August 29.
The Christmas Cheer UP project will ultimately result in UPNext “doing something special” for the less fortunate in the community in the season of giving. To support this initiative, the group will be holding two fundraising bake sales at two different public locations in the month of November. The locations will be announced this week along with additional details of the project.
“We want to stay very active in our community. During the campaign we told everyone that UPNext, though part of the UP in general, is not a political gimmick. It is a group of young people coming together to do good. We just happen to have a very dynamic party and its membership backing us. But what we do is for our enture community and we hope we get overall support for everything we have planned,” President of UPNext Kinisha Kalla said.
While “Christmas Cheer UP” will be the only project executed for the remainder of this year, UPNext has a full calendar of events planned for 2015.