During the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo on Monday, October 13th, 2014 WTN Cable suffered damages to some of its satellites at its broadcast location at Harbor View and its transmitters/antennas at Fort Willem Hill, St. Peters Hill, Naked Boy Hill and Cole Bay Hill.
Immediately after the Hurricane, WTN Cable’s technicians started working on the damaged equipment to have the service back up and running as soon as possible.
Although the damage was more than we anticipated, we are pleased to announce that most of the repairs are completed with the exception of the antenna tower on Cole Bay Hill, which resulted in interruption of our service to the Cole Bay, Cay Bay and Simpson Bay areas. We are in the process of reconstructing a makeshift tower to bear the antenna that services the aforementioned areas, and hope to have this process completed by late Monday afternoon or early Tuesday morning.
While the majority of channels are back on the air, subscribers will notice that a number of channels are still off. This too, is a result of the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo.
WTN Cable has engaged the services of technicians from its sister company in Curacao and Bonaire to assist with the technical work in order to speed up the process of realigning the dishes and having all the channels back up and running.
Prior to the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo, WTN Cable had engaged in upgrading its accounting system and its transmitting sites whilst installing two new transmission sites. The upgrades are in the final stages and are near completion.
In the meantime, subscribers who have suffered damage to their cable equipment may bring these in to our office in the Obersi Building on Sparrow Road at Harbor View. Other interruption of service maybe reported by calling telephone number 1 721 542 5898 extension 131, 132 or 135.
We urge the general public, and our subscribers in particular, not to subscribe to unconfirmed reports or information regarding WTN Cable and its services. Instead you may visit us at our offices or call us at the numbers mentioned above.
WTN Cable apologizes to its subscribers for the inconvenience these interruptions may have caused, and assures you that once our repairs are completed, you will be the beneficiaries of our improved service to you. We thank you for your patience and understanding.